Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wow, memories in the making!

So day two at Disney is was even more fun, I must say. It was more meetings and videos and procedure discussion type stuff, for the most part, but it was cool because it was all of this food handling business, so I looked smart because I knew a bunch of it and I played the part of eager nerd student. I fit well into that role, really...can't imagine why ;) But at least we knew each other a little bit. Things got narrower as we went from yesterday's bunch of twenty-five or so, to around ten or eleven today, and then just four of us at the end of the day (those who are in "DL ODV" or Disneyland Outdoor vending), and then down to two for training the next few it weeds out some fun neighbors and some people I'm not sad to part offense, of course. But I'm okay not working side by side with Mr. Awkward who kept whining today, or Debbie Downer who overheard me mention that I just finished my credential and said "Oh, jobs in that field these days" (I could practically hear the distinct "wha-whaaaa").
At any rate, I found out a little bit more about my role today. Tomorrow begins "OTJ" or On the Job Training, where I'll learn all of the tricks of my little trade. Today I got my "costume" for this basic thing, and then after Wednesday (twenty plus hours of training) I'll get to fly solo for reals, and then I get another costume. It looks like this will be a fun red plaid shirt and brown pants, because I'm starting off in Critter Country. Kind of a random tucked away spot, and not the cutest outfit, but at least I'm by Winnie the Pooh and Splash Mountain!
I still cannot believe I'm doing this. Sometimes it feels like overload and there is just so much I still want and need to learn about my job and Disneyland and everything, but it's so fun to listen in on all of the other cast members chatting, and try to see what is in store for me. And to soak in all of the park magic. I mean, everything is so precise and exact down to the letter, in order to preserve the integrity of the magic and "show." It's all about show, from the costuming and decor to the things we say in each's ridiculous, but it's a really fun kind of ridiculous! Just to walk around and see rows and rows of random costumes, or be in the break room and see Tinkerbell in her sweats and green skirt, or take stock of all the tidbits I never realized stinkin' COOL!!! I'll keep you posted :) ENjoy

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