Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cookie conundrums

September 24
Oh, that silly silly Grandma…she has been acting quite interestingly lately. I mean, I think it is her sort of way of expressing affection perhaps, but it is quite an intriguing and irritating brand of it. Maybe she is enjoying babying and mothering me, but it manifests itself in constant harping. I don’t know how many times she says “Oh yes, you’re a big girl, you know how to take care of yourself.” Yet every other minute she is proving that she doubts this very much, telling me what a long day I had, asking if I’ve washed myself, congratulating me on eating breakfast, commending me for taking my vitamins. I mean she seems happy enough about it, calling me “hon” or “that’s my girl.” It just gets old fast. Like six weeks ago. Six weeks, look at that. I have survived one and a half months with them!
And I think she’s also quite jealous of Grandpa. Last night I was starting to make Allie her favorite cookies and Grandma came in to tell me I didn’t have to, that it was getting late and I didn’t need to make anything. So I told her I’d stop if she wanted me to, but then she comes back with, “well, I don’t mean to be bossy, I just don’t want you to think you have to…” for someone who doesn’t mean to be bossy, she does it quite well, I must say. When I explained that I enjoy baking and was doing a simple recipe, she yielded. But only after telling me some of my cookies have been burning. And that I shouldn’t use the top oven. And then she proceeded to hobble in every five minutes to comment on my process. Finally, at the end, she came to inspect. Now let me add that this was a recipe I made a week ago for Allison, leaving just a few extras which were gobbled up quite quickly and left Grandma asking every day if I was making more. So this time I made a double batch. This turned out to be a very wise move. She eyed them greedily as soon as they were cooling on the counter. Then she reached out a shaky gnarled claw and snatched up a cookie, rapidly shoving it into her orifice and sprinkling the ground with crumbs in the process. She growled voraciously and grabbed another, then another and another. Apparently these were satisfactory. I commented how it was good that I made extras, and she said, “oh, that’s all I need…” Then took another. She was quite concerned today about whether I would be taking all of them, and made sure I promised to leave plenty for them. Goodness gracious.
So I suppose I’ll try to look at it as her way of care and attention. I must say I prefer Grandpa’s methods, but whatever. I’ll live either way…

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A glass half full :)

September 22, 2008
A Happier Note…

So I am doing my best to focus on the positive side of things, despite the extant moments of Grandma comments that drive the inside head voice to profane “what the hell…” (i.e. when she asked if I was going for a run because I pulled a sweater over my head, hmm). But tonight I feel quite pleasant. For one thing, right now I have “Two and a Half Men” on. In my upstairs lair! For the first time in my life there is a television in my room and I can watch whatever I want. I tried plugging in the bunny ears last night and when I turned it on, it just magically worked and had glorious reception! It was quite the excitement. So that is a joy in my life.
And then there is Grandpa. I enjoy his little grin and his flat-out cuteness. Tonight I came home and as I walked by the first door I spied him munching one of my snickerdoodles. Then I let him fix me up some supper and he helped me zap up some fish and baked potato. I accepted the offer for cottage cheese and canned peaches, too. Daddy warned me that would be a specialty of the house, and it’s one of the things I’m learning to love. Actually, I can’t stand it but I also can’t bear to turn him down when he’s acting the part of garcon. I genuinely do like sliced peaches. And I’ve discovered I appreciate cottage cheese, as well. Just not the two in conjunction. But as long as I keep them separate somehow I’m happy to oblige the sweet old man. Then while I was setting it all up he reached in for some more cookies, muttering “oh I’ll have one or two more of these…hey I might as well have three and finish off this layer here…” And then he went off to eat them and Grandma was probably jealous. But it makes me smile. Good old Grandpa. And good old Aunties who let me escape every once in awhile. Much love…

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Apples and ants...

September 17, 2008

Well, thanks to the marvelous blessing of Auntie Marilyn’s splendid little thumb drive, here I sit in the glorious privacy of my upstairs lair typing away, impervious to the glares of the woman beneath. Heehee, truly it isn’t as bad as the dramatized accounts told here make it out to be. But it’s fun to have a little outlet. The latest conclusion: there is no way I can possibly be right. It’s just the fact of the matter. You just don’t disagree. Like this morning, when she made out a random grocery list of about three items which weren’t even needed…and she told me we already had apples. I calmly and kindly attempted to point out that, in fact, there were no apples in the refrigerator. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I looked. There aren’t any.” Squeak, squeak, squeak. Lo and behold, no apples. By the way, I heard today that the apple costs have gone up due to fuel costs! Because they are transported. But that’s off topic…Actually, she mentioned to Linda that she still thinks of me as a little kid since she “never got to see me grow up.” That sure explains a lot. “Did you take your shower? Take your vitamins. You know how to do laundry?” At any rate, the other thing I have started up a bit is trying to make it slightly evident (but not too much) that I do in fact hear the things she gripes when she yells at Grandpa. “What’s she doing in the kitchen? What’s she doing? WHAT IS SHE DOING OUT THERE?!” “You know Grandma, you could ask me, I’m just fixing my lunch for tomorrow…” Oh my…and then there’s the ants. That’s probably one of the most frustrating things. Because I just don’t really care for the little buggers, but no one else seems to mind them. Grandma’s response is sometimes “well, they don’t eat much…” Uh, I’m not so much concerned for the welfare of the ants as the fact that I can’t sit at the dinner table because they are swarming around the food goobers left on Grandma’s placemat. Or I get ready to stretch on the floor and they are forming a trail around a rogue peanut. Whatever…
But nothing overly significant or out of the ordinary to report. Interrogation, glaring, whining…it’s old hat in life out here! But then I see Grandpa’s little smile and it sweetens the pill…
I’m trying to figure out something about making these blog thingies more commentable, but I don’t know exactly…any tips, let me know! Thanks :) I love you

Monday, September 15, 2008

Venti Venting...hurray for blogs :)

September 14, 2008

Goodness gracious, what a wonderful idea this blogging business is going to be, I think. Not a day has passed since Davey suggested it and I still don’t even know how to get it started, but already my head is so brimming with junk that I’ve just got to get it out! I am normally not much of a journal person, much less in a form that deals with technology, but I have a feeling this could be a positive form to vent my endless stories. That way all of the ornery comments and cussing that I do in the “inside the head” voice can escape in a gentle hissing flow of steam rather than growing pent up and eventually exploding.
And in fact the adventures began just as soon as I got home from Auntie Marilyn’s last night. I tiptoed in just as silently as I could, but sure enough, “creak. Creak. Creak.” Out she rolls, with comments that I was actually home and that Marilyn should have said I was getting ready to leave, not on my way. She then got all flustered about the back light not going on, and when I tried to let her know that a light was on but I’d turned it off, she simply insisted that there was a light not working and I couldn’t possibly be right. So to show me she creaked out through the kitchen and then expressed her surprise that the light was turned off. Oh brother. She still didn’t believe that’s what I’d been talking about, though. Whatever.
Then today I decided to discover a new method of coping: stubbornness. Now this is a practice not normally in my personality, but certain things can drive it out of me. Or certain people. People like Wilma Schmidt. This morning was rather a minor case, but acting insistent felt quite liberating. It was breakfast time and when Grandpa offered me a ham omelet I decided I just wanted to have cereal and a banana. I know he loves to make me things and so I do normally let him cook for me, but I truly was just in more of a cereal mood than a pig and chicken embryo mood, so he said I could have what I wanted. Of course, Grandma decided an omelet sounded good and spoke up that she’d have one. I relayed the message to him after she angrily shouted it out, and he cutely muttered that he could never understand her because she mumbles so much. Heehee, I was happy to be an outlet for his frustrations and tried to encourage him, though this was tricky since I have to yell for him to hear and she’ll pick up on the slightest thing. At any rate, though, I happily had my cereal, and for whatever reason she just fixated on this omelet thing. She was just obsessed, I don’t get it. She kept on commenting as she slurped and dribbled away, remarking on how good it was and how glad she was that she had it. She told me I “sure missed out.” I finally just told her I was happy for her, that I was in a boring breakfast mood, to which she heartily agreed. But ha. I had my cereal, and nobody stopped me. I was rather triumphant.
Then I got to go work all day, so that was nice. Of course I get home and fix my dinner, and there she is. Staring. Just staring. I smiled rather exaggeratedly back at her. And she stared. I sat as far away as possible. And she stared. Then she asked if I’d ever had a hair cut. Goodness. Oh well, this is quite fun to let it out. And hopefully others can be entertained, enlightened, and encouraged. I love you all J Till next time.