Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A glass half full :)

September 22, 2008
A Happier Note…

So I am doing my best to focus on the positive side of things, despite the extant moments of Grandma comments that drive the inside head voice to profane “what the hell…” (i.e. when she asked if I was going for a run because I pulled a sweater over my head, hmm). But tonight I feel quite pleasant. For one thing, right now I have “Two and a Half Men” on. In my upstairs lair! For the first time in my life there is a television in my room and I can watch whatever I want. I tried plugging in the bunny ears last night and when I turned it on, it just magically worked and had glorious reception! It was quite the excitement. So that is a joy in my life.
And then there is Grandpa. I enjoy his little grin and his flat-out cuteness. Tonight I came home and as I walked by the first door I spied him munching one of my snickerdoodles. Then I let him fix me up some supper and he helped me zap up some fish and baked potato. I accepted the offer for cottage cheese and canned peaches, too. Daddy warned me that would be a specialty of the house, and it’s one of the things I’m learning to love. Actually, I can’t stand it but I also can’t bear to turn him down when he’s acting the part of garcon. I genuinely do like sliced peaches. And I’ve discovered I appreciate cottage cheese, as well. Just not the two in conjunction. But as long as I keep them separate somehow I’m happy to oblige the sweet old man. Then while I was setting it all up he reached in for some more cookies, muttering “oh I’ll have one or two more of these…hey I might as well have three and finish off this layer here…” And then he went off to eat them and Grandma was probably jealous. But it makes me smile. Good old Grandpa. And good old Aunties who let me escape every once in awhile. Much love…


Anonymous said...

"hey I might as well have three and finish off this layer here…"

See, I know exactly what he means. I finish off your cookies in layers too. Each layer is always separated by wax paper...so fancy!

Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the laughs to come!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite photos I have up in my room is the old picture of Grandpa holding you as a baby (you were a baby at the time, not grandpa).

You've got your little windbreaker on and the sun is shining in your face, so you have a grumpy-baby face on. Funny thing is, Grandpa looks exactly the same! He hasn't changed much in the last 30 years.